A thread for Donny Tinyhands memes


what bones spurs?

“Hey lets toss a few usb cables out on the table so it looks like we wired into the action!” “Excellent Idea MR President!”



oh that’s good

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I read on FB (So who knows if its legit) but Trump was said to have tweeted a fake pic of him pinning the MOH on the doggo. Check that out for me six, I’m busy watching sports with my headphones on rocking out to some Boehmeian Rhapsody right now.

I will get right on it

did I ever tell ya that story?

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Yes, I believe you did once.

The fucking general manager where I built mailing stuff tol this guy John - (we were on break) to do about 27 fucking things - and john sez I’ll get right on it Pete

Never did a fuking one of em - classic

I miss that place - germans bought it and moved it

I fucking hate germans