If you are a fan of the Big Bang Theory, don't miss tonight

For ten years is has featured every Nerdvana star a nerd could ask for…but one.

He’s on tonight

Never watched it

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I’ve never watched it either. I won’t watch shows with laugh tracks anymore. I haven’t for years.

I caught parts of a couple episodes several years ago, it seemed ok for a sitcom.

Gypsy’s already dialed in and waiting not-so-patiently.

Hellz, I’ll have to watch this ep. Can’t miss the King of Nerds.

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TBBT is a live audience

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I assumed it was a laugh track. My partner told me it was formulaic. But then he’s an authentic nerd and not an actor…lol

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The ep wasn’t bad, but even next to Shatner I noted that several of the main characters are aging beyond the point of being role-appropriate. Sheldon and Amy, especially so.

BTW. Gypsy says to tell you guys that if Sheldon and Leonard had a baby it would be me.


I miss Gypsy’s…whimsy’s.

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I hate Joe Manganiello, he’s a Steelers fan