I'm not paranoid enough to need meds, but

what’s happening is just pushing all of my buttons
like nothing else ever has.

They are estimating there are upwards of 8
different strains of Covid-19 running around
the globe. For something they are saying
mutates very slowly, that is suspicious to me.

So, let me go full on tin-foil hat: what if it is in
fact engineered? Engineered to attack different
genome groups, and released in a staggered
manner to replicate what one would expect from
travel related dispersion?

Would it look like this?

Or is it just a wild coincidence?

Sometimes what passes for paranoia is just acute vision. I’d be interested in some links to whatever you’re reading, cuz recently I haven’t had a good conspiracy theory to take for a spin – and I miss the exercise.

Woody Allen once said “Someone asked me for a 3-syllable word starting with P, that means you believe people are out to get you. I responded ‘perceptive’.”

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